
Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Chichen Itza is the Cosmic University of the Maya, Chichen Itza, (On the banks of the well of the wizards of water). Abode of the Lord of Good Rain: Yumil Chaak (Universal Creator of Life through water).  

True purpose of CHI-CHEEN-ITZ-HA,’  “the Initiates Route of the Mayas in Chichen Itza” brings into being the path of the ancient Maya Adepts in the Holy City of the Seven Doors of Gold (symbolizing the seven bodies* raised and clothed in the Pure Gold of the Holy spirit) CHI-CHEEN-ITZ-HA’: That which had clearly been raised to the Serpent with Feathers of Gold of a Quetzal Bird (Representation of Universal Wisdom), fused with the Divine Spirit Being (The Sacred Quetzal). 

Walking toward the interior of the Archaeological Zone, we can imagine that those were the ceremonial centers in their epoch of grandeur.  We can do nothing less than meditate on the Profound and Grand Spirit of those Gnostic Maya Initiates.  In this extraordinary ceremonial city surrounded by vegetation, one nevertheless feels in its Temples and pyramids the precious vibration of the wisdom worked into the stone.  The wisdom is waiting for the moment when all there make the correct spiritual connection through Inspiration-Intuition-Illumination. 

One will then capture the grand message directed at the consciousness of being.   “I do not know from where we came.  We only know that here we meet again, below the sublime jurisdiction of “He whose name is whispered in a breath.”  Hunab Ku, The giver of Movement and Measure.

The meaning of the sorcerers of water, contains the work that the Maya tried to carry out inside, to dominate their internal waters; transform their creative energies to become real men and women.

The biggest mystery of all time.... Where did we come from? Where are we going? What is the purpose of our existence? The Maya solved these answers; they had at their disposal knowledge we barely remotely suspect, not only mystical or spiritual, but scientific, and cosmic.  To the Maya the earth is our human personality and Kukulkan is the Inner Christ that each of us should embody to incarnate and make one with us.  In every spring equinox, we can see in this pyramid, the falling of Kukulkan to earth.  Therefore we can observe the nine bases that make up this majestic pyramid, symbol of work with the transmutation of creative energy, indispensable for this event.

The essence of Maya architecture and knowledge, the understanding of the cosmos itself is revealed in their magnificent structures and temples; the Temple of one thousand columns, The Observatory, The Temple of Venus, The Sacred Cenote, The Temple of the Eagles and the Jaguar, The Ball Game, The Wall of the Skulls.

Chichen Itza is one of the most, studied and visited sites of the Maya world.  The site declared Patrimony of Humanity in 1988, is a combination of grandeur and nature. In its Golden Era Chichen Itza covered an area of over 25 square kilometers. Around the central area lived between 50,000 and 100,000 people.  To visit this majestic site is to enter an indispensable chapter in the history of the Maya people.

*The seven bodies.  The Ageless Wisdom - Theosophy - tells us of the seven fold constitution of human beings.  It tells us that as well as the physical body we have an Ehteric Body, an Astral Body, a Mental Body, a Buddhic Body, and Atmic or Spriritual Body, and a Monadic Spark or ray of the Divine Over-Soul.

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