
Friday, December 6, 2013



Evening Lectures

The Maya are the only culture that keeps alive its ancient heritage, inherited through its customs and traditions in force to the present day. Each evening in appreciation of the work of the day and time, a series of guest speakers will join us. Your participation in these evening talks will bring you an awareness that will help you grasp the true legacy of the Maya culture. These Guardians of ancient traditions understand that today’s travelers are in search of transcendental answers through the legacy and worldview of our wonderful Maya culture.  It is the Guardians’ intent to help you develop such an experience from the viewpoint of a program they have titled “Turismo de Conciencia,” (Awareness Tourism) and whose teachings they have chosen to impart on the original grounds where the Maya Initiates, began their Path, Oka’an.

We invite you to an interactive experience with a purpose; to make you an Ambassador of the Maya Culture, a true source of reference, an initiate that has returned to his/her origins because at a level you may not yet fully understand you were born a Maya.

To be a Maya is a state of consciousness, a way of being in the world; it is not the color of the skin, or a place of birth.  To be Maya is not to belong to an ethnic group, but to a level of consciousness.  A level of awareness embodied in the concept of living in "no pain". The word ma - ya, means no pain. "ma" means no; "ya" means pain. Hence we can understand the true Maya legacy; -to avoid the pain that is there for all humanity-.    For the Mayas the new cycle announces the dawn of the real beginning of humanity; the arrival of the new golden age, we understand our purpose in this new era; it is time to fulfill our oaths, a commitment we undertook in Tulan Zuiva many life times ago.  You are the chosen ones.

The Sacred Knowledge of the Maya   - Enrique Perez

Talk and presentation by Oka’an’s owner and visionary, Enrique Perez (Included in Workshop’s program)

Enrique will offer us the essence of The Maya Initiates Path created by the Ancient Ones to start the spiritual initiation, and to train the heart of the seekers.  A path that took place in these grounds and it is the reason why Okaan’s energy is the source and origin of transformation and initiation.

The Mayan Initiates Path will prepare you for the transformation and the events anticipated by the Maya that started the new era of 5,125 years on December 22, 2012.  The Maya understand the transition that is already taking place, and have no fear. "This fear-free State is the secret key to transformation that, over millions of years, has always followed The Shift, a sacred cosmic event." 

This is the path of transformation the initiates of the past undertook when aspiring to the title of Halach-Uinik.  A title conferred only to those who had confronted their egos and weaknesses to be recognized as a true and genuine man or woman of knowledge, an enlightened one.  Many of us, have already tuned in to the frequency that prompts us to transcend from the physical/material level and rise to the level of the soul and spirit.  Okaan’s mission is enabling the individual to find his own relationship with the cosmos and nourish the self’s true essence. In the Mayan language the word Maya is formed by two separate words;  “Ma” stands for —No— and Ya stands for —Pain—The word Maya signifies — to live in a estate of No Pain— . 

Come join us where the path begins.  We wait for you at Oka’an

Enrique Perez’s passion for the awakening of consciousness and personal growth appeared at a very young age. As a successful entrepreneur, he noticed the lack of health that often his peers manifested. He took it as his personal mission to provide a sacred space where people from all paths of life could come and find peace and balance in a holistic way. When Enrique’s path crossed with Adalberto Rivera, their shared vision was obvious and Oka’an was born.

Adalberto Rivera. As an archeo-astronomer, discovered the Serpent of Shadow—cast on the plaza floor at the base of Kukulcán’s pyramid during the equinox-. He dedicated great part of his life to study and live in the ruins of Chichen Itza. Adalberto Rivera was an aficionado of the “esoteric” purposes of Chichen Itza’s temples, pyramids and ritualistic ball game. He is also the author of several books and guides including “The mysteries of Chichen Itza”, “The Serpent of Light and Shadow” and, “Solstice and Equinox”.

Archeo-Astronomer Alberto Haggar

Pyramids and Mayan healing and way of life - Alberto Haggar

As an independent Archaeo-astronomer researcher, Alberto Haggar has dedicated over 20 years to this multi-disciplinary activity and the study of the spiritual character of ancient cultures.
Alberto has lectured in more than 100 conferences, interactive workshops and seminaries; for attendees from more than 24 countries, in America, Middle East and Europe. Some of his conferences have been performed before audiences of more than 3,500 attendees, simultaneously translated into 5 different languages, in theaters, halls and universities, such as the Archivo General de Indias, in Seville, Spain, and NASA.
Alberto Haggar was appointed by the government of Yucatan as the official lecturer to internationally promote Chichen Itza as one of the New 7 Wonders of the world. Haggar has been interviewed by renowned TV Networks in the U.S. and Canada. Haggar has lectured in an important number of universities in México and the US. On September 2008, he lectured for NASA, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, CA.
Among his most important discoveries and theories as an Independent Archaeo-astronomer of the Mayan World, we can mention:
Finding the exact astro-science used for the construction of the Mayan buildings. Deciphering the numerical-geometrical scores used for the Mayan construction designs. Alberto was awarded with the “Construction of the Years 2008”, for the creation of the concept and design for Grand Sirenis Hotel, in the Riviera Maya, applying his design theories and discoveries. This award is granted by the most important construction magazine in Latin America: Obras-Expansion.

A gifted writer and story teller, Alberto wrote the soon to be released movie XIBALBA.  The first of four projects whose subject matter originates with a trip to the jungle in search of the Lost Library of the Maya, prophesied 
by Edward Cayce that it would be found in the time we are living.  In the plot, the Metnal, the Xibalba of the Mayas (hell) is exposed as a

result of creatures that are set free and escape from the underwater graves where they have dwelled for centuries.  Several prophesies warn us of the arrival of a comet, a sphere, or a planet in our solar system within which a double of each human being alive exists.  But, rather than give you the plot and much information on the disappearance of the Maya, we will let Alberto share it with us and maybe even surprise us with a trailer of the movie.


During his participation in this cycle of conferences Maya researcher, Eduardo Rivera Coss, will talk about the content of his book, describing his experiences after several weeks of interviewing and documenting  people claiming to be witnesses to the presence of the  Alux, presenting also never-before-seen physical evidence that would demonstrate the existence of this being, whose origin is focused according to the oldest traditions among the pre-Hispanic Maya whose knowledge and wisdom has bowed in both poles of human duality.  It will be a fascinating journey towards one of the deepest secrets of this great culture.


is a Mexican journalist who has delved in the field research of the Maya culture, specializing in topics such as the Alux, sorcerers and shamans, Maya duality and documented transformations of the elders and Maya priests.
He studied journalism at the school of Carlos Septien Garcia, obtaining the degree of Licentiate in Journalism and Communication sciences.  He has worked with various publications in magazines and newspapers such as Millennium, as well as a correspondent for Excelsior in the State of Quintana Roo.  He is an honorary member of the Ibero-American Fund of photography, and was Director of Social Communications of the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya in Merida, participating in various forums and lectures related to the Maya culture.  He also participated in the Organization of the International Festival of the Maya culture 2012 and 2013, and is a member of the organizing Committee of the Independent Festival of the Maya Culture Maya Cha’anil kaaj.

Currently he is in the process of completing his first book.